VicarVision – New York Empathy Calculator
We finished our project for UpWorthy to develop an empathy calculator in New York City!
For a demo click the image below!
Some interesting statistics:
+ There were 141 participants in total, 57% Female, 43% Male
+ Women registered significantly higher empathy scores overall vs. men: 86 vs. 81
+ As a group, young females had the highest avg empathy scores: Female 25-34 avg: 88; Female 35-44 avg: 86
+ By comparison…Male 25-34 avg: 83; Male 35-44 avg: 77
+ The avg. empathy of Married was slightly higher than Singles: 85 vs 83 respectively
+ The avg. empathy of Parents was significantly higher than Non-Parents: 87 vs 81 respectively