VicarVision is cooperating in this very interesting ELSA lab. ELSA labs are an initiative of the NL AI Coalition, and aim to research ethical, legal, and social aspects (ELSA) in the design of AI Applications. Artificial Intelligence is an important driver of the transition towards circular and Sustainable Food Systems (SFS). The goal of AI4SFS is to create an ELSA laboratory to test and develop responsible and trustworthy AI for the Sustainable Food Systems of the future.
Project Objectives
Implementing AI to disrupt existing food systems raises concerns regarding the social, ethical, and legal aspects. In this project these relevant aspects are identified and several case studies are designed. By involving stakeholders from all members of society, such as academia, public authorities, NGOs, industry and citizens, a broad perspective is taken. This will help build an R&D ecosystem for the Dutch food system where ELSA aspects are an important part of design. The cases cover a broad field of food research and involve nitrogen emission measurements, salmonella monitoring in stables, or measuring of consumer behavior.
Expected Results
VicarVision will be involved in a case testing the use of FaceReader for measuring consumer behavior. It will be explored if insights into facial expressions and viewing behavior can help nudge consumers in the direction of more sustainable and healthy food choices. The research will be online or in a living lab such as a supermarket of restaurant. ELSA issues that will be studied are about the use of personal (video) data, and the potential privacy and safety concerns it raises.
The knowledge and experience gathered in the case studies will help ELSA research and services to become more broadly available. AI4SFS will become an expertise hub for responsible AI, tailored to Sustainable Food Systems. Read more about the project on the website: https://ai4sfs.org/