Discovery Festival

VicarVision partcipated in the Discovery Festival with not one, not two, but three Demo’s! Of which one a Live FaceReader Experiment!
FaceReader First presented the FaceReader demo showing the Circumplex model of Emotion by Russell, the six basic emotions of facial expressions by Ekman based on the more than 500 landmarks on the face detectable by just a simple webcam!
FaceSwap Second we presented the FaceSwap, first shown at the ‘Mens voor de Lens’ seminar. Which gives you the opportunity to swap faces with anyone you want!
Live FaceReader Experiment Third we presented a Live FaceReader Experiment! This experiment tried to elicit natural occuring facial expressions of Happiness, Disgust and Surprise with the hypothesis that these facial expressions would be more intens the hight the blood-alcohol content.
Curious about the results? Send us an email and we will give you more info!
Team Vicarvision